Amplifying Afghan Women’s Voices

The Afghanistan Policy Dialogue program (APDP) was established in response to increased threats to women’s and girls’ rights in Afghanistan in the context of negotiations with the Taliban, at the signing of the Doha Agreement in February 2020. Since August 2021, this program has focused on advocating for the restoration of the right to education for girls and women in Afghanistan, as well as for safe passage for those who wish to leave Afghanistan, and for the evacuation of those at risk.

This program promotes the centrality of Afghan women’s voices, views, and experiences. We do this by amplifying the voices of Afghan women activists in Canadian and international platforms, such that women’s demands will not be ignored.

Through our advocacy work, Right to Learn Afghanistan has become a key actor in advocacy in Canada and internationally. We are proud to hold a unique position at the crossroads of grassroots activist networks, Women, Peace, and Security spaces, international education policy, and the humanitarian and international development sectors. We work to ensure that Afghan women and girls’ voices are prioritized in grassroots and high-level political discussions. Our advocacy work amplifies Afghan voices, influences government policies, and builds
global solidarity.

We also work to engage our members, partners and chapter networks in spreading the message of Afghan women’s voices, by developing resources and other tools for engagement like our Higher Education Advocacy Toolkit, hosting events and campaigns, and providing up-to-date information.

Please visit our Advocacy Page for the latest call to action items, including letter-writing templates, social media posts and more

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