2003 - Partnerships in Community Development, Literacy, & Fundraising

Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan) is incorporated as a non-profit.

CW4WAfghan establishes a twenty-year relationship with Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Support for Afghanistan (PARSA). CW4WAfghan provides funding support for their award-winning community development programs and supports Afghan women’s livelihoods through the purchase of goods to be sold in Canada. 

Oakville Chapter attending the Dinner Party, 2003.

With funding raised by CW4WAfghan, a women’s centre providing literacy,  health education, and vocational training is opened by Afghan Women’s Resource Centre in Kaz Villlage, Lagham. This would be one of many projects undertaken in partnership with AWRC over decades of partnership. 

CW4WAfghan begins funding operational costs of a girls’ orphanage in Kabul, serving 21 girls as young as age three. 

Women of Halton Action Movement hosts their first Dinner Party event, a fundraiser that would benefit CW4WAfghan annually over the following two decades.


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