2012-2013 - Shafia Fund Launch, Couples’ Literacy Classes, & Afghanistan Reads! Funding


At the initiative of the Kingston Chapter, CW4WAfghan launches the Shafia Fund scholarship program, providing financial assistance to female students pursuing higher education. To date, the Shafia Fund has awarded 229 scholarships to deserving Afghan women.

CW4WAfghan brings its team of Afghan master teacher trainers to Atlantic Canada for a month of professional development training. The teachers toured charter schools, universities, and education centres. They join CW4WAfghan members from across Canada for the annual symposium in Pictou County, NS, and meet teachers, students, school leaders, school administrators, and teacher educators to share their experiences as educators in Afghanistan.

CW4WAfghan funds couples’ literacy classes in Kabul in partnership with the Roqia Center. Husbands and wives learn how to read side by side.


CW4WAfghan wins its first grant from the Canadian Embassy’s Canada Fund for Local Initiatives A total of five grants between 2013 and 2020 delivered educational initiatives in Kabul, Parwan, Nangarhar, Khost, Faryab, Badakhshan, Bamyan, Takhar, Laghman, Herat and Kandahar.

CW4WAfghan receives a two-year $625,000 grant from USAID and Linda Norgrove Foundation for Afghanistan Reads (AR!) community literacy and libraries program.  Nearly 5,000 women and girls aged 15+ graduated from the literacy classes, and hundreds of literacy teachers were trained in literacy pedagogy, andragogy, reading promotion, and basic librarianship.

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