2016 - Afghanistan Women’s Empowerment Program, Critical Thinking Education, & Award from Afghan Ministry of Education

Photo (left): Takhar Literacy Class

CW4WAfghan collaborates in a million-dollar project to deliver The Afghanistan Women’s Empowerment Program (AWEP), a project of the Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC). This program aimed to advance women’s empowerment by increasing the social and economic participation of women in 36 districts of Takhar, Baghlan, and Bamyan provinces of Afghanistan. CW4WAfghan’s role was to deliver literacy education to female beneficiaries in four districts of Takhar province, over a four-year period (2016-2020) drawing on its successful methods from the Afghanistan Reads! Program in delivering adult literacy classes for AWEP beneficiaries.

CW4WAfghan begins focusing on critical thinking education. With support from USAID through The Asia Foundation, CW4WAfghan develops curricular materials focused on critical thinking in education. Our work in this area continues to this day. 

Critical Thinking and Creativity Workshop in Afghanistan, 2016.

The Afghan Ministry of Education recognizes the work of CW4WAfghan with a special award given in a ceremony to the country office staff in Kabul.  

Billboards advertising the Darakht-e Danesh Library are erected throughout Afghanistan. The Library begins to be featured regularly on national media in Afghanistan. Library user numbers start to rapidly expand.

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