About Our Chapters

Right to Learn Afghanistan Chapter members work together to promote the purposes of the organization, and to:

  • Enhance volunteer involvement,
  • Undertake public engagement and education, and
  • Fundraise to support education programs in Afghanistan.

Chapters activities include organizing and hosting fundraising events, holding chapter meetings, hosting film nights and book discussions, encouraging dialogue in communities through presentations for schools and community groups, promoting the Breaking Bread fundraising program, or hosting Afghan marketplaces (the sale of goods at events), among many others.

Some chapters devote their energy to one major fundraising event a year, while others engage in many different activities, or host a series of small events which may be for other fundraising or awareness raising purposes.

Chapter Locations:

  • Atlantic 
  • Calgary 
  • London
  • Ottawa
  • Winnipeg 
  • Peterborough
  • Toronto
  • Vancouver 
  • Victoria
  • Saskatoon

Interested in Joining a Chapter?

We welcome hearing from you. Contact us to connect with a Chapter in your area!

Interested in Starting a Chapter?

Read the Chapter Charter, fill out the Chapter application form and let’s start a conversation using the form below.

Contact Information

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