Thank you for your support!

Your donation helps make the right to education a reality for Afghan women and girls.

Right to Learn Afghanistan is a registered charity and will provide tax receipts for all donations.

Payment Methods

Credit Card

Complete our online donation form, selecting a one-time or a monthly donation.


Please make your cheque payable to Right to Learn Afghanistan and mail to: 

Right to Learn Afghanistan
PO Box 15007 Aspen Woods
Calgary, AB
T3H 0N8

Tax receipts for cheque donations will be mailed within 2-4 weeks of being received. Please include your email address if you would like to receive your tax receipt electronically.

If you have any questions, please contact us at Tel: 403-244-5625, or email: 

Give a Gift


Thank you for considering a gift of publicly listed securities to Right to Learn Afghanistan. Donating appreciated publicly listed securities is the most tax-effective way to give because it removes the taxation of capital gains.

  1. Download and Review our Securities Policy: Right to Learn Afghanistan Gifts of Securities.
  2. Download and complete the Securities Transfer Form. Click here for CAD transfers, or click here for USD transfers.
  3. Email the completed Transfer Form to our broker: Patti Dolan, at Wellington-Altus Private Wealth () or Skylar Reder-Dubuc ().

Legacy Giving

Please remember Right to Learn Afghanistan in your Will. If you wish to advise Right to Learn Afghanistan that you are leaving a legacy gift or have any questions about the process, feel free to contact us, though donors are not required to notify us of such gifts. To leave a gift in your Will, simply share this language with your financial planner or attorney:

“I bequeath ___________ to Right to Learn Afghanistan, PO Box 15007 Aspen Woods PO Calgary, AB T3H 0N8, Registered Charity #887718203RR0001, which shall be used for general purposes to provide education and educational resources for girls and women in Afghanistan (or this last part can be replaced with a specific designation of the gift, such as designated to a specific program).”

Learn more about our Legacy Giving program

Donate with Aeroplan Miles.

Your Aeroplan points allow our staff to oversee and establish new educational programs, meet the growing demand from displaced Afghans, and leverage other opportunities that strengthen our work.

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