Murwarid Ziayee

Senior Director

Murwarid Ziayee is responsible for program management, and supporting public engagement outreach and fund development. Murwarid has a BA in Political Science and Law from Kabul University. She has over two decades experience working with various national and international organizations in Afghanistan on policy development, program design and management. Her focus is on gender equality, human rights and women’s empowerment. Before joining Right to Learn Afghanistan, she worked with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan as a National Gender Affairs Officer and later as a National Human Rights Officer. She has worked closely with the Afghan Ministry of Women’s Affairs and served the Afghan Office of the President as Program Officer with a focus on women’s rights issues. She is a leader and advocate for women’s rights and the recipient of the Right to Learn Afghanistan Champion for Education Award (2015). This award is in recognition of her many achievements, her dedication, knowledge and passion for advancing education for Afghan women and girls.

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