Philip Cartwright


Ottawa, ON

Philip Cartwright leads Global Public Affairs’ Transportation, Infrastructure & Communities practice and co-manages Global’s 25-member federal team in Ottawa.

With over 15 years’ experience in public affairs and public policy, Philip develops and executes government relations and related corporate development strategies for a broad range of clients. He provides advice on all aspects of regulatory, legislative and policy development, ensuring integration of Parliamentary, political and policy considerations.

Philip joined Global Public Affairs in 2007 from the Privy Council Office where he worked in various secretariats including Machinery of Government, Cabinet Confidences and Senior Personnel and Special Projects. Prior to living abroad in South Africa, Philip also worked with other professional services firms including an international public opinion polling firm.

Philip is a Founding Board Member of the Canadian Advocacy Network and is Chair of the Ottawa Chapter of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (North America). He previously served as President of the Government Relations Institute of Canada (2017-2019), the national organization representing government relations professionals, and on the boards of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum and the Canadian Club of Ottawa. Philip has also been actively involved as a volunteer with the National Arts Centre. He holds a Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management (Hons.) degree from Carleton University’s Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs and an Executive MBA from the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University.

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